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Lee Day is celebrating her dog Bark Mizva.
The Bark Mitzvah is a pseudo-traditional celebration not necessarily held in conjunction with a specific age but can occur when the dog turns 13 months or 13 years of age. This is equivalent to about 91 dog years. During some Bark Mitzvahs, dogs wear a tallit, a ritual prayer shawl worn during Jewish religious services and ceremonies. A male dog wears a specific yarmulke, a thin skullcap.
The Bark Mitzvah is a pseudo-traditional celebration not necessarily held in conjunction with a specific age but can occur when the dog turns 13 months or 13 years of age. This is equivalent to about 91 dog years. During some Bark Mitzvahs, dogs wear a tallit, a ritual prayer shawl worn during Jewish religious services and ceremonies. A male dog wears a specific yarmulke, a thin skullcap.