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Rabbi Nachum Shifren 54 know as the Surfing Rabbi ..Born in L.A in a Jewish family but was not a religion person he start to surf wean he was 12 years old and never stop he say surfing it like a disease that get in to you and never leave you... In 1987 Nachum start to keep the Jewish tradition and get in to the Kabala...He become to be known as the surfing rabbi,..He never stops surfing and got his on unik way to combine between Judaism and surfing.....Know Nachom teaching surfing and kabala and start to organized courses all around the world...Nachom living know in L.A in Venice beach and surfing in Malibu beach, he also have a hose in the settlement named Tpuach at the west bank in Israel...Own of his rabbi that Nachom follow is the fundamentalist Rabbi Kahana (that was murder in NY by a Palestinian and create the Jewish organization the J.D.L in the U.S.A)....Nachom combine it in his on special way of getting to know god throw the sea and the secret in the kabala...